Lynda Santapadre
The Evelyn Hof Fielding Tennis Tournament now includes pickleball. There are still those that love the full experience of a hard-won tennis game but the pickleball craze is in full swing at this tournament. Of course, men and women participate on teams. Bid on prizes while enjoying lunch and champagne. It is so much fun that spectators enjoy the day as well.
Evelyn Hof Fielding Tennis / Pickleball Tournament

Chateau Golf and Country Club Courts
Mixed Doubles Pickleball
Entry is $100.00 per team
Please call Lynda at 504-915-0000 for registration information. Limited spots available!
Evelyn Hof Fielding Tennis Tournament was started in memory of Evelyn Hof Fielding by her tennis partner, Lynda Santopadre in 1988. Lynda has continued this tribute to date and has added Pickleball to the Tournament encouraging more participation by men and women.
Mixed Doubles Pickleball
Entry is $100.00 per team
Please call Lynda at 504-915-0000 for registration information. Limited spots available!
Evelyn Hof Fielding Tennis Tournament was started in memory of Evelyn Hof Fielding by her tennis partner, Lynda Santopadre in 1988. Lynda has continued this tribute to date and has added Pickleball to the Tournament encouraging more participation by men and women.