
The Mission of Cancer Crusaders as an all-volunteer organization (NO PAID EMPLOYEES) is to work to raise funds through various events to be used for cancer research purposes only. We divide the total monies raised equally between LSU Stanley S Scott Cancer Center and Tulane Cancer Center. Our Mission is to keep all funds raised local to the New Orleans Area.

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Fight For The Cure With Cancer Crusaders

Louisiana has one of the highest incidents of cancer in the US. The vision of Cancer Crusaders is to have our research funds work to eradicate cancer completely through the experimental studies and research drugs leading to a cure.

Join us in the fight against cancer for patients in the Greater New Orleans area!

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Fundraising Events

Over the years Cancer Crusaders (ALL VOLUNTEER) members have created five incredible events. Their goal is to not only raise the funds for cancer research in the New Orleans area, but to reach out to a broad spectrum of donors within the community for support.